Thursday, 20 January 2022

SQL Server Mirroring Failover / Failback Automation


SQL Server Mirroring Failover / Failback Automation:


1)      Failover/Failback Script for all databases From Reston to Chicago (or Vice Versa) DB Servers:

The below script will failover all the databases to Passive/ Mirroring Node. This will help to minimize the task of right click and perform manual failover for each database

This can only be initiated from the Principal/Active server, and the mirrored database must be synchronized (that is, when the database is in the SYNCHRONIZED state).

Performing such a fail-over, using T-SQL, comes in handy when you are installing Windows Updates and SQL Server Cumulative Updates, and you need to reboot the database server. It is recommended to fail-over the databases on your principal SQL Server to the Mirroring Server before you reboot the server.

-- Perform a fail-over for all databases in a mirroring set-up


        declare @databasename nvarchar(255)

        declare @alldatabases cursor


-- Only select principal databases (mirroring_role).

        set @alldatabases = cursor for


            from sys.databases d, sys.database_mirroring m

            where m.database_id = d.database_id

            and m.mirroring_role_desc = 'PRINCIPAL'


-- Execute the failover.

        open @alldatabases

        fetch next from @alldatabases into @databasename

        while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


        print @databasename

        exec('alter database [' + @databasename + '] set partner failover')

        fetch next from @alldatabases into @databasename                                                                                                                                                         


close @alldatabases                                                                                                                                                                                               

deallocate @alldatabases


2)      Step to check Active/ Principal DB in SQL Server Job:

We can add “Step1” to check Active/ Principal DB for SQL jobs on DB Servers which will check whether the DB is online/Principal every time job runs. This will only allow jobs to run Step2 (which is application job step) only on Active/Principal Server.

This step will reduce the time to Disable/Enable Jobs every time during Failover / Failback Activity.

Step Need to added in Jobs:


SELECT  1  FROM sys.databases

WHERE state_desc = 'ONLINE'

AND collation_name IS NOT NULL

AND name = 'MirrorDBName')


PRINT 'Principal DB Good to Go'




THROW 51000, 'This is Mirror DB', 1;


Friday, 7 January 2022

SQL Server - Choosing Between AWS EC2 vs AWS RDS

Database Solution - SQL Server Cloud Migration Strategy

The following table provides a side-by-side comparison of SQL Server features supported on Amazon RDS and Amazon EC2. Use this information to understand the differences between the two services and to choose the best approach for your use case.